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Henchman USA
Suite 107, 21017 Heron Way
Lakeville, Minnesota,, 55044

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Email: sales@henchmanusa.com
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Sanders & Dustless Sanding

Sanders & Dustless Sanding Solutions

Sanders can be used for smoothing, polishing or cleaning surfaces like wood, plastic or metal. Sanders can also roughen surfaces in preparation for finishing. There are three main types of power sanders: disc sanders, belt sanders, and orbital sanders or palm sanders.

Browse our range of Sanding Vacuums, Belt Sanders, Disc Sanders, Corded and Cordless Sanders by international Brands like Desoutter Sanders, Clayton Dustless Sanding, Dotco Sanders, Taylor Sanders or Milwaukee Sanders.

Equipment includes Hexoff Surface Cleaners, Wipes and Sprays, Backup Pads, Pad Protectors, Filters and Bags. 

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