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Henchman USA
Suite 107, 21017 Heron Way
Lakeville, Minnesota,, 55044

Tel: 1-800-408-1082
Email: sales@henchmanusa.com
Web: https://www.henchmanusa.com/

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Pliers, Grips, Cutters and Shears

We stock hand tools from international reknown brands like Knipex, Wiha, Stahlwille, Proto, Tsunoda, Lindstrom, Piergiacomi and others.

Our extensive range include all types, shapes and prices – from high quality to economical – for a variety of applications like cutting wire, bolts, plastics, pipes or sheet metal, twisting, bending, forming, depanelling, clamping or fastening. 

KNIPEX pliers stand for quality made in Germany. Knipex is considered the worldwide leading pliers manufacturer for professional users in trade and industry.

Wirestrippers can be found in a seperate category.

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